Heartgard Plus Chew: The ultimate shield against internal parasites for your Dogs and Cats at HardyPaw

Heartgard Plus Chews are a veterinarian-recommended solution for protecting dogs and cats from heartworm diseases, offering both prevention and treatment.

These convenient chews not only defend against heartworms but also target and control other common intestinal parasites like hookworms and roundworms. Trusted by veterinarians, Heartgard Plus Chews provide a tasty and effective way to ensure the well-being of your canine companion.

Why Heartgard Plus Chew?

-Preferred by vets with over 2 billion prescribed doses.

-Preferred by Dogs and Cats because of the real-beef flavor.

-Easy administration.

Trusted for Over 28 Years to prevent heartworm disease and to treat & control 5 species of intestinal worms.

Check the right Heartgard product for your dog and cat and order now at HardyPaw

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