Sun Safety for Your Pet


Sun Safety for Your Pet


Introduction Summer is here, and with it comes the joys of longer days, warmer weather, and more opportunities to spend time outdoors. However, as you slather on your sunscreen and grad your shades, have you thought about how to protect your furry friend from the sun's harmful rays? Yes, pets...

Ticks Spreading in California


Introduction The presence of ticks in California is a growing concern for residents, travelers, and health professionals. With rising temperatures and changing ecosystems, these small but dangerous parasites are thriving in the Golden State. As the tick population in California continues to surge in 2024, pet owners must take proactive steps...

Tips and Tricks to Keep your Pet Calm this 4th of July


The 4th of July is just around the corner and I'm sure you already know how pets feel about fireworks. While they may be exciting for us, fireworks can be a source of anxiety and stress for our furry friends. Pets such as dogs and cats have unique ear anatomies...

5 Surprising Natural Remedies to Keep Fleas and Ticks at Bay


Nature offers surprising home remedies for repelling flea and tick. Rosemary can be a potent herbal rinse, apple cider vinegar can be a spray, neem oil can be diluted and applied to fur, cedarwood can be used on collars or bedding, and lavender can be infused in oil for a fragrant spray. These remedies can help keep pets flea and tick-free, but it's essential to consult with a veterinarian first.